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Terms and Conditions

  • Movie tickets can only be purchased from this Website by PayPal, credit or debit card. 

  • Movie tickets purchased via this Website will be available for collection at the Dallas Cinema Box Office.

  • Movie tickets purchased via this Website are refundable and are available for exchange.

  • Prices on this Website include booking fee, which is processed through our ticketing software company, Veezi and/or Paypal.

  • Seat reservation for movie tickets purchased via this Website is on a "best available" basis and is carried out by a prescribed computer program. By purchasing movie tickets via this Website you agree that:

    • You will accept the seat reserved for each ticket purchased.

  • You agree that we may at our discretion, refuse to sell movie tickets to you or withdraw any movie tickets from sale via this Website.



Additional Terms and Conditions in Response to COVID-19

  • You are not to attend the event if:

  • You are suffering any symptoms of disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19);

  • you have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days;

  • you believe that you may have been exposed to or may test positive for COVID-19;  or you have been advised or required to self-isolate or quarantine.

  • If you cannot attend the event by reason of this clause, please contact Dallas Cinema prior to the event to discuss refund options.

  • You must comply with designated seat allocations, maintain good hand hygiene and maintain any directed physical distance between yourself and each other person (excluding members of your household);

  • Dallas Cinema will NOT be responsible for any claim or liability if you acquire COVID-19 as a result of your attendance at the event;

  • If tickets are cancelled by Dallas Cinema for any reason in connection with COVID-19, you will be entitled to a refund of the ticket price; and the person who has made a booking will be asked  to provide the names and contact details for each guest in the booking for the purpose of contact tracing. 

  • In the case of any person present at the Venue for the relevant event testing positive for COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19, your personal information (and that of your guests) may be used and disclosed for the purposes of contact tracing.

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